Visages Villages, a playful road-trip in the company of Agnès Varda, turning 90 next year, is a gift, for this reason alone. Accompanied by visual artist JR, the two hop on and off through different places in France, plastering walls, barracks or industrial shipyards with gigantic prints and making people happy. There aren’t any hidden truths around the corners, but a collection of moments. We get to visit JR’s 100 year old grandma and see Agnes Varda become a respectful young lady. We visit a farmer, a worker’s neighbourhood, a village. JR is poking fun at times at Agnes and she hits back at him for constantly wearing sunshades. Towards the end we embark on a train ride to visit nobody else but Jean Luc Godard’s place in Switzerland. It’s no spoiler that he doesn’t receive them, right? At least he leaves a note on door, referencing some memory of their youth, that instantly tears Agnes’s eyes. She starts recounting the early days. What a glorious life these people lived.