D’après l’affiche du 69ème Festival de Cannes.
by Mélody Boulissière
D’après l’affiche du 69ème Festival de Cannes.
by Mélody Boulissière
Should you walk the streets of Bucharest tonight, don’t forget, Fierbinteanu is playing. I'm postering.
Good friend Fierbinteanu, together with good friend Fierbinteanu - the wife, and good friend Bala - le dauphin, and countless other good friends will be playing a great concert in Bucharest, on the 27th. Go see them! I made their poster!
Here’s a concert poster that I did for my friends, the incredibly talented Fierbinteanu gang. Make sure you book your seat, as Lente is one special yet pretty packed place when it comes to concerts. And rumor has it that Alex Bala will be performing also.
Email: bogdan.stamatin@gmail.com
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