April 26, 2020No Comments

Father Lucian

Here's a bonus picture of the great Cristian Fierbințeanu, took earlier in March in Bucharest. The man's a great artist and the lead figure in my upcoming short "The Unreal Afternoon of Father Lucian".

Pictured here upon hearing the news the I added a spoon of sugar in his coffee.

Yes, he's THAT bitter.

February 3, 2012No Comments

Told you, Fierbinteanu is where your money should be at. Because they just won the Bucharest Czech Centre Dvorak Remix Competition ! (I personally know them) 

Listen to their track here.

January 25, 2012No Comments

Fierbinteanu, trupa mea preferată, a scos o piesă nouă. Eu, fecior de casă, am avut norocul să le fac coperta.

December 27, 2011No Comments

Should you walk the streets of Bucharest tonight, don’t forget, Fierbinteanu is playing. I'm postering.

December 20, 2011No Comments

Good friend Fierbinteanu, together with good friend Fierbinteanu - the wife, and good friend Bala - le dauphin, and countless other good friends will be playing a great concert in Bucharest, on the 27th. Go see them! I made their poster! 

September 19, 2011No Comments

Here’s a concert poster that I did for my friends, the incredibly talented Fierbinteanu gang. Make sure you book your seat, as Lente is one special yet pretty packed place when it comes to concerts. And rumor has it that Alex Bala will be performing also.


Email: bogdan.stamatin@gmail.com
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