Año bisiesto is a Mexican film that I’ll remember for making me feel I can do better. I smiled with a lot of condescendence and pointed with confidence all the holes that I detected. I felt the acting lacked any authenticity, probably because the character lacked and depth, all maybe because the story felt so pieced together, so constructed to give you that final WINK.
I’ll remember that it followed a middle aged woman living by herself, eating soup from tin cans while lying to her mother that she cooks steaks, who marks with a red marker a date on a wall calendar: 29th of February. She sleeps with different men until she meets one that is into SM enough to evoke her the presence of her father, whose death anniversary will come soon, wink. And then she almost convinces the guy to kill her, as a sort of anniversary belated middle finger to her dad and the traumas he inflicted.
Winner of Golden Camera in Cannes.
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