A film detached completely from norms. An eerie experience is the working horse expression. Roger Ebert writes that the film “should be approached like a piece of music, in which we comprehend everything in terms of mood and aura.”
This is the famed W.Herzog picture where most of the cast acts while under hypnosis.
Narrative, as little as it is, revolves around a XVII century village, where the craftsman of a special kind of glass - ruby - dies without sharing his recipe. There’s a mad young nobleman in the village. He’s obsessed with trying to get the recipe back. The recipe become the metaphor for life, for everything lost.
The film abounds in images whose only function is to trigger something different than understanding through reasoning. You look, you don’t get it, yet the images sink through your cracks, and disturb you deeply. They’re hard to remember factually two weeks later, but their effect trails on.
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